What Are the Causes of Ant Problems in the Home?

Ants on the Wall and Floor | Residential Ant Control | Arrow Services, Inc.

Ants are one of the most common household pests, and since no home can be completely sealed off from all ant species, they cannot be avoided. What we can do, however, is to keep their invasion to a minimum by learning the reasons they enter our homes and who to turn to for residential ant control.

Availability of Food Sources

Leaving out food makes it easier for ants to find the nourishment they need to survive. This is why the kitchen is the place where infestations usually occur. Ants eat almost any type of food, but they particularly look for sugar and fat. You may find them raiding your pantry’s bottle of syrup, a jar of honey, or in your trash can, feeding on your leftover bread and fruit.

Greasy Surfaces

Another food source for ants is food residue and left-behind grease, which can be found on your stovetop and food containers. These subtle food particles could be drawing them to your home, so pay attention to the cleanliness of your tubs, jars, and other storage. You should also wipe the sides of your stove thoroughly, especially after cooking sauces and sticky food.

Leaky Pipes and Faucets

Ants seek a reliable water source for survival, so lingering water and moisture, usually from kitchens and bathrooms, can attract them. Inspect your toilets, faucets, and sinks for any leaks, and make sure to keep windows closed and well-sealed, especially when the weather is wet.

Decaying Wood

Extreme moisture in your home can lead to the decay of wood structures and pieces, which is the perfect hideout for a colony of carpenter ants. These are species that nest in moist or decaying wood. Another possible nesting ground for these ants is tree stumps and fallen branches.

Turn to Us for Commercial and Residential Ant Control

Once ants start appearing in your home, you want to address the issue as soon as possible. Let our team at Arrow Services, Inc. take care of it for you. We will identify the ant species present, trace the source of the problem, and employ the proper extermination treatment. Our pest control services are available in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. Contact us today for a free in-home inspection and estimate.

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