Rodent Exterminator: Eliminate Rats and Mice From Your Home!

The pitter-patter of tiny feet isn’t children…
Mice and rats can infest your home at any given moment. To prevent them from doing so, there are precautions you can take yourself. You can also turn to specialists from Arrow Services, Inc. for rat and mice pest control services to exterminate rodents in and around your property.

Hiring a rodent exterminator will give you peace of mind knowing that safe, efficient, and effective pest control methods will be utilized. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, reach out to us, and we will gladly assist you.

Identifying the Presence of Rodents in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois

You will know when mice and rats are in your home. They might leave around a trail that indicates their presence. Here are the different signs to look out for:

  • Dropping
    • New droppings are shiny and resemble putty in appearance.
    • Old feces are hard and crumbly
  • Gnaw Marks
    • Mice: holes are 1-2 mm in width and small and clear cut.
    • Rats: holes are 4 mm in width and big with rough torn edges
  • Urine Pillars
    • Accumulations of urine form “urine pillars.”
    • The chemicals in rodent urine have a very distinct odor; with large infestations, you can easily smell it.
  • Rub Marks
    • When dirt in the environment combines with oils in their skin, rub marks are left when rodents travel along walls.
    • If marks smear, you know they are fresh.
  • Rodent Burrows
    • Norway rats nest in burrows.
    • Burrows are normally 4-5 feet in the ground in areas where there is protective vegetation.


Since rats are warm-blooded, they seek shelter starting from late September until summer returns. Houses, barns, and commercial buildings are perfect winter homes for these pests. Arrow Services, Inc. provides different residential rat control options to exterminate rodents and protect you from them. See our “Checking in with Chuck” video for preparations on how to keep them out of your home or business.

Benefits and Features

  • Eliminates rats from your home or place of business.
  • Protects your family from dangerous pests such as fleas, ticks, and mites. This creature carries diseases that are transmittable to humans and animals.
  • Nearly 20% of the world’s food supply is consumed by rats.
  • Rats can cause property damage, such as house fires.

At Arrow Services, Inc., our mouse exterminator will help prevent damage to your property and make your home safe from disease coming from rats. We serve everyone in the areas of Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. Besides homeowners, our trained and certified pest control specialists also help business owners with commercial rodent removal. Call us today!

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