How To Prevent Termite Infestation in Your Home

Termites, one of the most common household pests, are hard to detect due to their size. When you start to see some signs of their presence in your home, it is usually after they have infested your space and set up large colonies, thereby requiring professional residential termite control.

Because of this, it is essential to actively take steps to prevent termites from invading any space or damaging furniture on your property. Here are some measures that will help you protect your investment from damage and your family from any trouble caused by these pests:

Get Rid of Excessive Moisture
Keep termites at bay by addressing excess moisture in your basement and crawl space and fixing leaks from your plumbing, gutters, or air conditioner condensation lines. Do note that all kinds of pests are attracted to moisture, so make sure that you do not skip this step to achieve a pest-free home.

Declutter Your Home
Spaces with magazines, books, cardboard, newspapers, and the like provide a great environment for termites. Do not allow these pests to start building a colony by removing unused items and junk from your home.

Inspect Used Lumber and Railroad Ties for Termites
When reusing lumber and railroad ties for your garden or any other home project, inspect them first, ensuring they are free from termites and other pests.

Remove Termite Food Sources
Throw away unnecessary cellulose and wood material that termites consume, which includes paper, dry wood, rotting wood, and dead trees.

Add Distance Between Soil and Wood in Your Garden or Outdoor Area
Create a physical barrier for termites to discourage them from attacking any piece of furniture and reaching the inside of your home. You can use stones or cement to remove potential pathways for these pests.

Clean Your Furniture Regularly
Doing this removes dirt, dust, and grime from your furniture pieces and allows you to see if termites are starting to feed on them, damaging your furnishings.

Schedule Regular Termite Inspections
Don’t wait until there’s an infestation before you seek the assistance of a termite inspector. Preventing pests from building a nest in your house is worth the cost, less than the amount you’ll have to spend after they cause severe damage.

You Can Avoid Infestation, but There’s Also Reliable Termite Control
It is possible to protect your home from pests by being proactive in maintaining the excellent condition of your property. But should you detect their presence in your house or notice some damage due to an infestation, worry not, since professionals can help you address the issue.

Leave the Work to Our Certified Pest Control Specialists
At Arrow Services, Inc., we provide reliable residential termite control services to clients in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. To learn more about our termite colony elimination methods, talk to us today.

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