Commercial Mosquito Fogging Services

Arrow Services, Inc. has provided industries and homeowners associations with top-quality mosquito fogging services for over 50 years. You can trust us to deliver effective mosquito control solutions that are safe for humans and the environment.

Identifying Pest Bites

  • Mosquitos: itching, redness, swelling on any part of the body
  • Ticks: reaction to the neurotoxin injected into your body can cause redness and itching.
  • Fleas: small red bumps that itch for days. Beware of animals scratching constantly.


Arrow Services uses environmentally safe insecticides and up-to-date equipment to solve your mosquito problem on the ground. We offer Ultra-Low Volume mosquito fogging services in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. Ultra-low volume application by ground equipment is the most efficient and effective method to kill and control adult pests and small flying insects.

The Process

The fogger machine is often hooked up to the back of a vehicle and driven around the property to distribute the fog or mist. Our mosquito exterminator will evaluate the outdoor area of your property to see where these pests can mostly be found and pay special attention to these areas.

Our commercial mosquito fogging service often uses a special eco-friendly insecticide solution to get rid of adult mosquitoes, which are already capable of flying. The fogger machine turns the solution into a fine mist or fog by mixing it with water and blasting it into the air as very small droplets. The droplets are so fine that the insecticide dosage that mosquitoes and other small insects, like fleas and ticks, are affected when they encounter them. This often-odorless solution that is safe for humans immediately eliminates the pests, making the area ready for use.

Benefits and Features of Our Industrial Mosquito Control Fogging Services

  • Kills adult mosquitos, ticks, and fleas
  • Protects your children and pets from mosquito-borne and tick-borne diseases
  • Uses only environmentally safe, EPA-registered materials
  • Saves you money by eliminating oils, sludge inhibitors, extenders, synergists, and mixing costs
  • Eliminates traffic hazards associated with dense thermal fogs
  • Causes minimal irritation to operators and the public
  • Results in minimum environmental impact because it uses low toxicity, non-persistent, and low-volume insecticides

Mosquitoes are harmful insects that can spread diseases like the Zika virus and Chikungunya. Schedule mosquito fogging services for your property once you spot these pests.

Contact us at Arrow Services, Inc. for commercial or residential mosquito fogger services in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. Our trained and certified pest control specialists can help you get rid of any pests that may be affecting your family or business. Call us today!

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