Termites, as tiny as they are, are considered to be one of the most destructive pests. Together, these small insects can create five billion dollars’ worth of damage each year, affecting more than 600,000 properties in the United States. What’s worse with termites is they usually do their work under the radar. They mostly feed […]
Bed bugs are notorious for causing many sleepless nights among their victims. They silently creep towards humans—their prey—while they’re peacefully asleep, the latter totally oblivious of these nocturnal creatures feeding on their blood. With their tiny size, it can be difficult for homeowners to notice them. But what’s hard to miss are those reddish, itchy […]
With so many people going in and out of your establishment, it may be difficult to spot “invaders” sneaking into the place—pests. Besides being a nuisance, these usually tiny creatures can cause great damage in the premises that can affect your business negatively. Once you notice the warning signs of pest infestation in your property, […]
Rodents, ants, termites, bed bugs, and cockroaches may be small in size, but the problems they bring to a business can be enormous. From a tarnished reputation to a potential decrease in revenue, these pests earn their right as some of the biggest concerns among business owners. With companies postponing their operations due to the […]
Bed bugs are pretty terrifying. These insects feed on human blood, usually at night while you sleep. Just the thought of little bugs crawling all over your skin and feasting on your blood is absolutely terrifying. It’s very hard to get rid of bed bugs because they’re so small and get into fabrics in your […]
While a pet mouse may be adorable and cute, they are different from the creatures that manage to get inside your home and wreak havoc. The reality is that mice are destructive and full of disease. The damage that they can do to your home could end up costing you a lot of money. You […]
Of all earnings by the pest control industry in 2015, residential service accounted for 68%. Bed bugs are an increasing problem that requires professional help. First, you need to determine if you have a bed bug infestation in Indiana — and if you do have them, you then need to contact a bed bug exterminator. […]
Residential facilities are a prime target for pests, ants, and other types of pests such as bedbugs and mice that have been known to have catastrophic impacts. Homeowners have been struggling with pest control as most of the pests prefer to invade residential facilities more than attacking businesses premises. A study done in 2018 indicated […]
Are you constantly seeing ants trailing all over your kitchen or home? Cockroaches may be capable of spreading 33 kinds of bacteria and other contaminants, but finding armies of ants all over can be just as irritating. While there are several options for do-it-yourself extermination, if you’ve had no luck dealing with ants on your […]
If someone owns a property then it does not matter if it is residential or commercial. Property owners have to be aware of commercial pest control services because they will eventually need pest control services due to an infestation of some type. A proactive approach to pest management is a powerful tool for the lifespan […]